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Thursday, December 5, 2019
epworth camp 2019
this is my camp slideshow we do an end of year camp every two years for a week.
the thing that stood out for me was when we went skinning in Lake Karapiro.
I liked it when we went down the big water slide.
the thing that I am still wondering about is when Epworth camp was made and who built it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Interschool athletics day
yesterday I went to inter-schools for 200m and 100m sprints and ball throw. it was really fun and exciting because when they did the relay race the computers were so close to each other but then the person on the left guped it and came first not by much tho. here are some pics...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Going to mars!
my science badge slide show. It is about going to mars and what you would bring and why you would bring it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Ki O Rahi
Ki O Rahi can be played both indoors and outdoors, The team roles are Kioma score points by touching pou with the ball. Taniwha score points by shouting at the tipo with the ball.
If the ball goes outside the line the last team who had it has to hand it over to the other team to throw in.
If taniwha scores play cares on and if kioma scores play restarts with a kick-off from Te Marama. Players with the ball have to be running or have five seconds to pass the ball. players can get the ball as long as their feet don't go out of there legal zones. plays can not enter Te ara unless they are Ki oma or Kaitiaki. ki oma can not go thru or over Te ara to score.
When you play Ki O Rahi the aim is to outscore the opersishon
here is a photo of the setup
Ki O Rahi can be played both indoors and outdoors, The team roles are Kioma score points by touching pou with the ball. Taniwha score points by shouting at the tipo with the ball.
If the ball goes outside the line the last team who had it has to hand it over to the other team to throw in.
If taniwha scores play cares on and if kioma scores play restarts with a kick-off from Te Marama. Players with the ball have to be running or have five seconds to pass the ball. players can get the ball as long as their feet don't go out of there legal zones. plays can not enter Te ara unless they are Ki oma or Kaitiaki. ki oma can not go thru or over Te ara to score.
When you play Ki O Rahi the aim is to outscore the opersishon
here is a photo of the setup
Here is what you will need to play
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Today we did doodling we did it because last Friday Bruce Potter came to our school.
Bruce Potter is a famous doodler he is an award-winning Illustrator who has over 120 books.
He is an Illustrator, author, musician, and a composer, he has also performed in his one-man show to over 300 New Zeland schools in the past five years.
He has a world record in weightlifting and came 3rd at the world masters bench press championships in 2009.
Heres my doodle up the top and his one is down the bottom.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
my learnings maps
This is my learning map, a learning map is when you reflect on your learning throughout the month. To me, I think doing this is a good way to be more confident in our learning.
here is my learning map hope you like it.!
Thursday, August 22, 2019
cross country day
Yesterday was our school cross country we had it at my friend Brookes farm on the bus I keeped on thinking to myself what if I fall over and enger myself ? but I said I can do this because it's not about winning it's about having a go no matter were I come as l long as I try my hardest and cross the finish line so that's what I did I felt so happy with myself that I had done it my place was 2 out of the year fives . After I had watched all my friends races we celebrated with a sausage. here is a pic of me running it.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
does it float or sink ?
a fu weeks ago we were talking about plastic and we decided to to a slide show on dose it float? or dose it sink my group was me Bella Kate and Angus here is my groups slide show ...
Thursday, August 8, 2019
The whale rider by Witi ihimaera
This term we have been reading the whale rider by Witi ihimaera I really like this book so
far I cant wait to see the movie .
here is my slide show
Friday, August 2, 2019
Pou Atua site dance
In Friday program we were looking at our special school places we really love to show off our school so we decided to do a dance in groups we used the pou which are for all our classes ,the playground which we love playing on ,and the cycle track leap frogs .
the music is added in the last minuet to give it a real good feel .this was so much fun doing the site dance here is my groups video .
Pou Atua site dance
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Term 3 maths grid results
Each monday morning we do a maths grid to practice our time tales here is my one .
Monday, July 22, 2019
Term 3 quote of the week
Each Monday morning we talk about the Quote of the week in groups of four each person gets a card person 1 gets the speaker they say what they think the quote means to them, person 2 gets the paraphraser they say the same thing as the speaker but in one sentence person 3 is the prompter they ask a cousins about what the speaker said and person 4 the observer lessons to them all talking and waits for there tern . after you have gone thru the whole group you switch the cards around clockwise until everybody has had a tern .
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
should it be a holiday?
Matariki – Should it be a holiday?
June 11, 2019
Have you learned about Matariki at school lately? Matariki is the seven stars. They live in the sky
Traditionally Matariki was celebrated by gathering with whanau and reflecting on the past. The
connection to the stars provided an opportunity for families to remember their whakapapa and those
ancestors who had passed away to the heavens. Offerings were made to land-based gods who would
help provide good crops, and new trees were planted to signal new beginnings. Many of these celebrations
are still practiced today, however, there are many new ways also. Most celebrations focus on music, song,
dance, food, and family. To me, it seems that Matariki is an amazing opportunity for Maori to share their
stories and culture with the wider community, and I would love to see more events and activities planned
throughout the country to share and celebrate Matariki.
connection to the stars provided an opportunity for families to remember their whakapapa and those
ancestors who had passed away to the heavens. Offerings were made to land-based gods who would
help provide good crops, and new trees were planted to signal new beginnings. Many of these celebrations
are still practiced today, however, there are many new ways also. Most celebrations focus on music, song,
dance, food, and family. To me, it seems that Matariki is an amazing opportunity for Maori to share their
stories and culture with the wider community, and I would love to see more events and activities planned
throughout the country to share and celebrate Matariki.
We could celebrate this important day so much better. Personally, I see it as a big mistake
that the NZ Government did not pass a bill in 2009 that proposed a public holiday to mark
Matariki. The bill suggested Matariki be recognized as a national holiday, but was rejected in
Parliament, which is a shame for such a worthy issue. Matariki is an opportunity for us to have
a unique and somewhat home-grown holiday. It would provide an opportunity for an increase
in awareness surrounding Matariki, with people celebrating up and down the country.
that the NZ Government did not pass a bill in 2009 that proposed a public holiday to mark
Matariki. The bill suggested Matariki be recognized as a national holiday, but was rejected in
Parliament, which is a shame for such a worthy issue. Matariki is an opportunity for us to have
a unique and somewhat home-grown holiday. It would provide an opportunity for an increase
in awareness surrounding Matariki, with people celebrating up and down the country.
Our country was built upon the Maori people and their culture, it seems unfair that we do not
recognize the very beginning of their New Year with more significance. Matariki is falling in
a week this year, on the 25th of June. You have just enough time to prepare a feast, prepare
a party, even just prepare a moment of joy and respect. That’s what Kiwi Kids do.
recognize the very beginning of their New Year with more significance. Matariki is falling in
a week this year, on the 25th of June. You have just enough time to prepare a feast, prepare
a party, even just prepare a moment of joy and respect. That’s what Kiwi Kids do.
Critical Thinking Questions:
- Why is Matariki particularly important for our NZ Nation?
- Māori used Matariki as a signal for when to plant their crops after the long winter
- . If the stars were clear and bright, it was a sign
- Should we all celebrate, just those who choose to, or just Maori people?
- I think everybody should celebrate Matariki because it is special.
- How long has Matariki been celebrated for?
- Some celebrations are started when Matariki is first seen.
Practical thinking Questions:
- Go back and look at your calendar/camera roll and see what you were doing on 15th June
- last year. Were you celebrating Matariki? Either way, make sure to book it in for this year!
- Well, we were doing nothing on the 15th of June last year but I wish we did.
- Think of an awesome way Matariki could be celebrated at school?
- well this Friday we are going to do a rotation with art and other cool things
- Do you think we should have a public holiday for Matariki? If so, get out there and
- write a letter/give a call to your Local MP explaining why!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Mara Kia
this link is the link to the recipe that I used for the mara kia...
what is the Mara Kia well the mara kia is a rely fun night were you cook for a judge that tastes your food . but the only twist is that you aren't allowed any help from anyone and you only have 1 hours and a half to make your dish, I really liked making my mexicorn dish I also made I link to the recipe that I used so maybe you could try it one day as well.?
this link is the link to the recipe that I used for the mara kia...
what is the Mara Kia well the mara kia is a rely fun night were you cook for a judge that tastes your food . but the only twist is that you aren't allowed any help from anyone and you only have 1 hours and a half to make your dish, I really liked making my mexicorn dish I also made I link to the recipe that I used so maybe you could try it one day as well.?
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Mini Role Play
My class and I was looking on what impact we humans make to animals.
Today we were doing a play but not just any play it was a play about drama
we were talking about Hiua beak and what they did with them in the olden days before there were no more Hiua. We got into groups and made a play around it as well in my group was... me Bella, Rose, Josiah, Timana, Jahdin, Isabella, and Kyle.

Did the film communicate the script?
yes I think our play did.
Did it communicate the rising emotion being portrayed?
What could you shoot differently?
well I think that the wind was a bit loud and there were people talking in the back round.
What would make your film more understandable?
for my opinion I think it was perfectly fine
What would give your film more emotional impact?
more acting
Here is our mini play hope you like it.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
star sign
today we were searching up and looking at websites for what our star sign might be after we did that we got into partners and made a slide show about it .
my star sign is a virgo that looks like a lady some how I can't see it but you guys might ?.
after we did that we were doing art about it today we made a sky/galaxy background the next day we are going to put our star sigh on it .
anyway here is my work just click it to see the next slide show there should be five of them.
goals of the week team 2
every monday morning our class has a word of the week .we get into groups talk about what we think it means.
I like explaining what our group thinks it means to the class and hearing different ideas about it to.
I think we do it to learn different quotes and how to understand them properly and really get involved in things that might be out of your comfort zone.
here is my goals of the week .....
Friday, May 24, 2019
Bella waka hoe
this term our topic is voyaging and today we were sketching pichers of the hoe paddle and doing other things around it as well . the work on this page is around Steve gibb's story. Steve gibbs spent his whole college researching about our ancestors and what they did back then in the olden days .
here is my work hope you like it.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
object and animal
Last Tuesday In groups of two me and my buddy kate had a object or a animal. I was the one who had the animal my animal was a kiwi my buddy kate had a cloak as her object . We had to make a we wido a slide or a play we made a we video and a play here is our wevideo and play .
Kiwi used to be used for cloaks but now they are not allowed because they are endangered.
Kiwi used to be used for cloaks but now they are not allowed because they are endangered.
this is a photo of our play
here is our wevideo
Monday, April 29, 2019
term 2 maths grid
this is my math grid results for term 2 2019 I think we do it because we need to learn our times tables till we get the whole grid every time.
that would be a dream come true for me but I no if I keep on practising my times tables I will eventually get it .
my reflection
each monday morning we do a reflection on the last week like how our goals went here is my reflection .
Sunday, March 17, 2019
st.Patricks day
we celebrate st. patrick because there are lots of people with Irish blood
in new zealand st. patrick is the st of ireland.
st. Patrick was a patron [famous] of Ireland.
He died on the 17th of march.
He was born to Roman parents in scotland or wales in the
late fourth century.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Eeling dissection
The year 5 and 6's at Makaraka school were dissecting eels because they went to camp a few weeks ago and put out there eel traps hinake .
we all were learning and thinking really hard about what mr ray farmer said about Eels .
what stood out the most to me was dissecting the Eels their were so many cool and interesting things that you could find and see .
I liked seeing all of them especially the cool spine it was hard and bumpy and it looked very od to me .
what I am still wondering about is how fast can the eel go.???
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Monday, March 4, 2019
dissection sheep heart
Our class has been eeling on camp and with the eels that we court we
want to dissect them but before we do that we have to have some practices
so we practice on sheep hearts.
want to dissect them but before we do that we have to have some practices
so we practice on sheep hearts.
Our teacher mrs Hall showed us what she wanted us to look for in t
he hearts like muscle,veins,fat,connective tissue,sinew,valves,and the
blood clot .
he hearts like muscle,veins,fat,connective tissue,sinew,valves,and the
blood clot .
My group found all of those and I think the other groups did as well .
When we were dissecting the sheep hearts we sore three howls and decided to cut them open with the blade to explore more when we were doing that we found the mussel,fat,connective tissue,sinew,and valves .
We had to dig dip into the sheep heart find the blood clot but finally we
Found it it was all dark and watery it looked so gross I would never want to see that again.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Whangara school camp recount
After a walk over a hill they arrived at the Waiomoko river. They got into buddies of two and rast each other down to the river. They hopped into the kayaks and started paddling. One group of the buddies raced each other up stream to a thick round log. When they got there they decided to purposely flip off and swim back to the river bank so that they knew what it would be like if they were out in the open ocean alone.
When they got back from the race the saw their principal with a snorkel and mask on his face and they asked him “what are you doing?” and he said “I lost my phone in the river when I was paddling, I flipped!”
He was swimming up and down the river but couldn't find it.
A student helped him look for his phone and after looking for a while he said “I think I feel something under my foot” and he went under the water and when he got up … there it was!
They were all so sad as they left the waiomoko river as they were walking up the hill they thought back to that breathtaking moment wow that was lucky .
A few moments later the teacher said look I can see the marae! they were all racing down the hill in excitement shouting yay!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
term 1 2019 maths Grid results
each week we do a maths grid to get better at our times tables . we are also trying to get better at accuracy in our answers .
here is my tern 1 graph :
here is my tern 1 graph :
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
hinaki/eel trap
in our class we have a camp at whangara at the beginning of the year . this year we are going eeling and yesterday we made our eel traps I think they all look really good !!! our teacher sent as a story and some questions to answer to see what we learnt about the story here it is .
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
writing borders
rip currents
term one goals of the week
each monday we do a quote that is abased around our school values. we have to reflect on the quote and then set some goals for the week.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Friday, February 1, 2019
my cat
This is my kitten Miki
we named him that because he has black paws,face,ears,and tail and his body is white
with blue eyes .
he is a Burmese ragdoll cat.
Bella 2019
Last holidays I went to the olympic pools with Rose
on the way there we were talking about what we have done these holidays and what we are looking
ford to .
as soon as we new it we looked out the window and . . .
we were there!
we stepped out the door and felt the cold breeze blow past us as we moved a step to the right Rose and I had a little running race to the front door of the olympic pool as we stood waiting for her mum to keep up I said what do you want to go on first she thought in silens for a moment . . .
mabe the warm swimming lane pool.
I said ok that sounds like fun!
when her mum caught up with us she let us throw the doors and said I will be sitting right over here if
you need me .
we both dived into the pool first me then her .
we swame a couple of lapse and then had a under water race I made it to the middle of the pool and Rose made it just past me us she leaped for ear pafing I said do you want to go on the diving board
she said yes only if there is a short qu as I jumped of I had butterflies in my stomach.
after I jumped we had to go I said by Rose thank you!!!
on the way there we were talking about what we have done these holidays and what we are looking
ford to .
as soon as we new it we looked out the window and . . .
we were there!
we stepped out the door and felt the cold breeze blow past us as we moved a step to the right Rose and I had a little running race to the front door of the olympic pool as we stood waiting for her mum to keep up I said what do you want to go on first she thought in silens for a moment . . .
mabe the warm swimming lane pool.
I said ok that sounds like fun!
when her mum caught up with us she let us throw the doors and said I will be sitting right over here if
you need me .
we both dived into the pool first me then her .
we swame a couple of lapse and then had a under water race I made it to the middle of the pool and Rose made it just past me us she leaped for ear pafing I said do you want to go on the diving board
she said yes only if there is a short qu as I jumped of I had butterflies in my stomach.
after I jumped we had to go I said by Rose thank you!!!
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