After a walk over a hill they arrived at the Waiomoko river. They got into buddies of two and rast each other down to the river. They hopped into the kayaks and started paddling. One group of the buddies raced each other up stream to a thick round log. When they got there they decided to purposely flip off and swim back to the river bank so that they knew what it would be like if they were out in the open ocean alone.
When they got back from the race the saw their principal with a snorkel and mask on his face and they asked him “what are you doing?” and he said “I lost my phone in the river when I was paddling, I flipped!”
He was swimming up and down the river but couldn't find it.
A student helped him look for his phone and after looking for a while he said “I think I feel something under my foot” and he went under the water and when he got up … there it was!
They were all so sad as they left the waiomoko river as they were walking up the hill they thought back to that breathtaking moment wow that was lucky .
A few moments later the teacher said look I can see the marae! they were all racing down the hill in excitement shouting yay!!!
This is a great newspaper article about Kayaking! I particularly like your descriptive language eg "breathtaking" and "raced down the hill in excitement". Did the Principal find his phone? I am dying to know the outcome of that in your story!